Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Windows 7 Beta Review

(Click Picture to Enlarge)

Windows 7, Version that Newer than Windows Vista, which just luach Beta Version at 7 Jan 2009 (13 Days ago).

First at all, after me using this Windows 7,most of the Problem/Complain that Vista does already Fixed. such as:
  1. Lagging with Low-Edge Spec Pc/Notebook.
  2. File Copy/Moving Speed.
  3. Windows Startup Speed.
  4. No more delay when Opening Wireless Network Connection.
  5. More Detail when removing External Device (USB device, HDD, Etc...)
  6. User Account Control (Removed at Windows 7)
  7. Application lauching Speed.
  8. Ram/CPU usage Greatly reduced, without reduced its Performance.
Windows 7 got its own new theme like Windows Vista. The Brand New Windows 7's Theme, it provide Bigger Taksbar, and "Show all" button at the Lower Right side of screen. It also got "Build-in Sniping" software that allow user capture Screenshot easier than "PrtScrn".

Whole New Internet Explorer 8.Beta. It take many Function Key from Mozilla FireFox 3 actually, such as "Increased Website loading speed", "Crtl+Shift+Del = Clear History", "Reopen last Session" etc. Added "Duplicated Tab Function" which open the same webpage on the New Tab.

People always say "New things always got Problem", the following this the Problem that currently I encounter"
  1. Some Vista Driver cannot be loaded on Windows 7.
  2. If multi same Program running on the Taskbar, OS will Merge all windows into Single Icon on Taskbar. (Which make difficulty to select)
Well, this Beta Version of Installation ISO can be downloaded via Microsoft Official Website, get one here : http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windows-7/beta-download.aspx

P/s: There are the "Send feedback" button on top of all Windows. Click on it to send Feedback to Microsoft regarding about Windows 7.

Thanks you for Reading my Review, the above "Point of View" all goes to me no Mircosoft.

Friday, January 16, 2009

My New Handphone

I Brought a new handphone, K810
With CyberShot 3.2 Mega Pixel.
I change with my older Nokia 3230, because It will automatic Shutdown/Restart after while however it was Full Battery. I missed out many important call at Work/Personal Life.
But my Nokia 3230 still with me, It become my alarm Cloack since It's Ringtone Sound Is louder than Sony Ericsson.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

Happy New Year all, soon will be Chinese New Year, i might be busy a while. so wish you have a happy new year.
(Require Namipan software installed)